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Synthetic Intelligence to Assist in the Fight against Cancer in the Yvelines Region

Synthetic Intelligence in the Health Sector: The Case of the AI Melanoma

Synthetic Intelligence: A Valuable Support Tool

The excesses of synthetic intelligence (AI) are often criticized, but it is crucial to highlight that it can also be a valuable ally in various fields, such as health. Indeed, in the medical world, the company H4D has recently launched the AI Melanoma, an innovative device that allows for the pre-diagnosis of skin tumors.

This technological solution is now available to patients in the Yvelines region, notably in all H4D telehealth cabins, including the one located on the Health Bus that travels to La Verrière twice a month on Fridays.

A 38-year-old resident testifies: « It’s incredible, I never had the opportunity to consult a dermatologist before. » Indeed, it is common to observe a lack of specialists in certain regions, leading to waiting times of several months for an appointment.

On average, it takes over three months to see a dermatologist in France, which can be problematic in case of an urgent need for diagnosis or treatment. Thanks to AI Melanoma, patients can benefit from quick and effective assistance, thus allowing for an early management of potential skin lesions.

In conclusion, it is essential to highlight the positive aspects of synthetic intelligence and its applications in the health field. AI Melanoma is a concrete example of this, providing patients with an accessible and reliable pre-diagnostic solution.


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